Be the change, Innovation Day

Innovation Day From a Student’s Perspective

I love Innovation Day – it is one of my absolute favorite days of the year.  So after we had our 5th grade Innovation Day two weeks ago I asked my students to blog about.  I don’t think I have ever had a more eloquent response than the one Megan posted. The Best Day of… Continue reading Innovation Day From a Student’s Perspective

challenge, hopes, Innovation Day, Student-centered

What Is Innovation Day and Why Should You Care?

On May 7th, I was lucky enough to witness almost seventy 5th grade students take full control of their learning, their time, their outcomes, and their work ethic.  How you may ask?  By having them all partake in Innovation Day, my second annual one.  For those who do not know Innovation Day is the school… Continue reading What Is Innovation Day and Why Should You Care?

authentic learning, being a teacher, creativity, Innovation Day, Student-centered

4th Grade do Innovation Day

Once again my students astounded me.  Given the opportunity for a full day to just create and inovate, they showed me that if we truly trust our students, they will be able to manage their time, create an exciting product, and have fun while doing it.  On Monday we did our very first Innovation Day,… Continue reading 4th Grade do Innovation Day

being a teacher, control, projects, Student-centered

Hello Innovation Day!

When I first started teaching 4th grade, I must admit, I underestimated my students.  I knew that they were capable, but did not realize just how creative, innovative, and eager for a challenge this age of students can be.  (In fact, I would argue that any student really fits that description if we provide them with the opportunity, but that’s another… Continue reading Hello Innovation Day!