blogging, kidblog, letter, student blogging, students

Student Blogging Resources to Get You Started

I love that I get asked a lot about student blogging because it is something I am passionate about.  I often find myself sharing various posts, letters, and lessons that I have created, which means I have to find them first.  So to make my life easier, and perhaps even yours, here are my best resources on the why, the how, and the do on student blogging.

I am sure I forgot something, so if I did, please let me know.  I hope this is useful to you.

5 thoughts on “Student Blogging Resources to Get You Started”

  1. Hi Mrs. Ripp,My name is Jessica Sanders and I am an EDM310 student at the University of South Alabama. I love the idea of blogging in the classroom. My favorite was the story about Tom. Blogging is a great way to keep in touch with students when they leave, and it is also an amazing learning experience. Teaching our kids to be technologically literate is very important in today's society because it prepares them for the future, seeing as how most jobs and schools these days use computers and other forms of technology.

  2. Thank you so much for your comments. Blogging has changed fundamentally how my classroom runs and works. I am in awe of what it does for kids and their learning. I am even more thrilled to see college students seeing all of this before they go out into the classroom.

  3. I watched a tutorial video on Kidblog, and it seemed to be the perfect platform for my students, however I can't get it to load. I've tried different browsers and different computers, but no matter what I do, Kidblog loads terribly, terribly slow. Too frustrating to use. Any other suggestions?

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