Classroom, communication, technology

Technology Usage Parent Letter and Consent Form

Classroom (Photo credit: James F Clay)

Internet safety and education is always at the forefront of my mind when I work with technology in the classroom.  It is therefore important for me to have my parents have an understanding and some control over their child’s work and image as it relates to usage and access.

Here is the link to purchase the whole letter and below is what part of the document looks like.

A Letter on Technology in Mrs. Ripp’s Room

Technology serves a major function in this classroom to collaborate and connect with students across the globe.  Safety and proper usage of the chosen technology is therefore vital for this classroom to be successful in its implementation.  This letter is intended to inform and expand on the most common types of technology that will be integrated throughout the year, as well as serve as a consent form.  Please note that the District Acceptable Use Policy for Technology is upheld and discussed throughout the year as well.

°  Flip Video Cameras:  Students use video cameras throughout the year to capture their learning and for presentations.  I also use the cameras to capture specific student work to be published on our classroom website (
°  Digital Cameras:  Students and I take pictures of our projects and students at work.  These images are often used for publication on our website and once in a while are included in presentations I conduct to teach other educators.  


Dear Parent or Guardian,
Throughout the school year, I may include photographs, videos, or work of individual students or student group activities on our classroom website (, on my professional website (, and occasionally in presentations for other educators.  Any student and/or their school work will be identified by first name only.  No last names will be mentioned.

Please mark any of the choices below and return to school:

_____    Yes, I give permission to photograph, videotape, or audio record my child.  I also give permission to display my child’s school work including class pictures.

____    Please do not publish my child’s photograph on the classroom website or any other Internet page.

12 thoughts on “Technology Usage Parent Letter and Consent Form”

  1. Wow. Really like this. As a primary teacher I use a handful of tech and web 2.0 tools as well. I especially like the descriptions of those tools which gives more clarity to their purpose and use. Something to consider for future AUPs. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is great! We have a school-wide permission letter, but it is vague. I bet you get a lot more okays by explaining what you plan upfront. I may borrow and do one like this along with the school one to inform about the various tools and how stuff will be used. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Plenty of agreement options are great for parents, but might lead to some headaches for you down the road attempting to remember which permissions have been signed off on.Personally, I would keep the options more simple; publish pics and work or not.

  4. Your letter to parents is very detailed and I think not only informs them of the tools you intend to use but also as a side-effect might generate excitement about the learning students in your classroom will be engaged in during the year. Thank you for sharing it!On another note, since you specifically state in your letter that you will not use sites that do not allow students under 13 to use them, I feel I should point out to you that Animoto falls into this category. I recently did some research into their TOS, and unlike other sites which state that students under 13 can use them with parental consent, Animoto's TOS makes no such distinction. I wrote a blog post on the topic, including quotes from the TOS and links from Animoto's help forums, which you might want to investigate for yourself:Do you use Animoto with students under 13 years old?

  5. Sandy, Thank you so much for that. I had not seen that in the TOS for Animoto. I will need to investigate further but I am the main user with kids helping me. I will be reading your blog post as well, thank you so much for your feedback!

  6. Thanks for sharing your letter. My district already has a media consent form for students, but it's a nice touch to include a detailed letter about some of the ways you plan to integrate technology!

  7. I appreciated your explanation of which Web 2.0 tools you use. If we give parents information about our classroom learning tools, we give them greater understanding, and the chance to talk with us about our classroom learning.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your consent form. I have been debating what I wanted to write in my parent consent form for the upcoming school year, and seeing your version was very helpful. Have a wonderful summer!

  9. I appreciated your explanation of which Web 2.0 tools you use. If we give parents information about our classroom learning tools, we give them greater understanding, and the chance to talk with us about our classroom learning.

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