
My 50 Days of Happy #Nerdlution

Borrowed from the blog of Colby Sharp

For the past several days I have been lurking on conversations regarding the #nerdlution that starts tomorrow.  What started as a wonderful Twitter chat has spiraled into a mini movement for people to do something great or as Colby Sharp put it “to do something you would like to develop into a habit.”  Right away I knew I wanted to take part, and not so much because I have that many things I want to do, well I do, who am I kidding, but more so because I need a kick in the pants to change some things and I love so many of the people that are part of this.

While many ideas came to mind: laugh more, cook better dinners, read more (yes really!), I finally realized that I wanted my #nerdlution to be something simple yet meaningful.  Something I get too caught up in life to focus on.  I want to focus on being happy.  So for the next 50 days I will be savoring every little moment that makes me happy.  I will probably Instagram the moments, maybe not, but I will focus on the incredible little things that make my life so full of love.

So tomorrow the #nerdlution officially starts.  It runs until January 20th and by then I will be so heavily pregnant that I better be slowing down and focusing on the happy.  I hope you join me and so many others in focusing on something you want to do for the next 50 days.  Then share it with all of us using the hashtag #nerdlution.  Don’t be afraid, just pick something and be proud of it.




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