ideas, projects, Sponsored

It’s Back…Join the H&R Block Budget Challenge For This Spring


This summer was the first time i posted about the H&R Block Budget Challenge for Teens and it made me pine for some high schoolers to teach.  After all, when we talk about school being a tool to not just teach knowledge but also teach life skills, this type of program is what we mean.  It is frightening how few of my 7th graders seem to know what the value of a dollar is or how much money it takes to have a n adult life.  I know when I was a teen, money was something I wasn’t really that concerned with, not because we had a lot, but because I assumed I didn’t have to think about it.  I was very wrong in this notion as my early 20’s and their terrible financial decisions proved to me.  So while I may not teach high schoolers, which this program is intended for, my wheels are still spinning trying to think of ways I can incorporate it with my 7th graders.  After all, it is never too soon to teach more about financial literacy.

So why this program?  Well, it’s free, which I love, it is really in-depth and yet can be covered spending about 15 min a day while the challenge runs.  And there are prizes.  Not just little tiny ones either, but massive, make-a-difference types of prizes which just sweeten the whole deal.

What is the H&R Budget Challenge?

Participants encounter real-world personal budgeting situations, problem-solving, and decision-making through an online simulation and accompanying lessons that meet national standards. With sessions October through April, teachers have six opportunities to participate.  This is for students 14 years or older, enrolled in grade 9 through 12 full-time.  Today is the kick off to their new event, which of course is free for teachers to sign up for, but even better; there are scholarships and grants to be won!

What are the grants and scholarships?

For the top classrooms and teachers, so those who budget the best, there are prizes to win!

H&R Block will award $3 million in classroom grants and scholarships throughout the competition including a $100,000 GRAND PRIZE SCHOLARSHIP.

60 opportunities for classroom grants up to $5K
132 opportunities for student scholarships of $20K
Grand prize scholarship of $100K
Student incentive during game play

When does this start?

Sign up starts today and the next session kicks off January 16th.  This is a great opportunity for teachers to help students learn solid financial skills before they make stupid mistakes like I did.

I have more questions!  

Go to their website to read more about it and also register.

Wait, have real teachers really done this?

You bet!  Quotes from Teachers who participated in the H&K Block Budget Challenge

My kids love this challenge. Everyday they are engaged and want to learn more about personal finance—and, more importantly, they are becoming more financially literate.

I must thank you for the wonderful resource this simulation is and how useful I’m sure it is going to be for their future financial success. They are checking on their status in class all the time, even when it isn’t our scheduled activity. Those who have downloaded the app have found it incredibly useful and convenient as well.

My Juniors and Seniors do this for a Project grade every Wed. and Fri. We have a good time with this “bonding” experience and there is great laughter as well as dread when they have late fees! I really appreciate the people who put this challenge together. It is wonderful to witness them learning about “real life”!

So there you have it.  A great opportunity for anyone who is lucky enough to teach high schoolers.  And yes, H&R Block did compensate me for this post, but I would have shared it even if they hadn’t.  I think this is a pretty incredible program.

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