being a teacher

Introducing Virtual Consulting

There have not been many silver linings in the past seven months. With a world that continues to be upside down and an unknowable future, it all can seem too much at times. And yet, one thing has evolved in my life that I am finding great joy in; virtual consulting.

When we shut down in March, we saw conferences get cancelled or moved online. For the past 7 months, the learning I have done and created has been through a computer screen, trying to help others as they face uncertain school years, as they rethink practices, as they wonder how do we make this better for the students? For ourselves? I have been fortunate to be asked to be a part of many different school’s and district’s work as they brainstorm, plan, and implement new ideas, and not so new, in education.

It has been an honor and a joy to see the ingenuity and resilience of educators as they once again rise to an unsurmountable challenge and try to keep kids at the center of the decisions they make.

And so, I wanted to alert readers of this blog to the work I am available to support you with. Virtual consulting can look many different ways but the heart of it is the same; we work together to create experiences centering students’ literate lives, centering their identities, and help one another see our way through all of the decision-making that seems to be piling up every day in this new landscape of education.

I can be brought in for an afternoon or for a longer stretch of time. Every consultation period is personalized, of course, and grounded in research, best practices, and the practical tools I have developed or am developing in my own teaching practice. It is set up to meet the specific needs of the community that brings me in while honoring teacher sustainability, identity, and joy in learning.

Fees are flexible in order to meet the needs of the community and are based on length of time, number of attendants, and also the depth of the work. I try to stay as flexible as possible with school districts as much as I can as I get the budget constraints that many are facing.

My Areas of Expertise:

  • Creating a passionate literacy community.
  • Personalized learning environments for staff and students.
  • Student engagement and empowerment.
  • Global collaboration through technology infusion.

What You Can Expect:

  • Personal attention and development of project intended to fit your purpose.
  • Prompt communication.
  • A personalized and interactive delivery that will fulfill the needs of the target audience.
  • Accessibility and an ongoing relationship after the talk.  I become a trusted resource for the audience as they move forward.

So if you feel that I could be of help during these times, please reach out. You can send me an email or through this page right here and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

12 thoughts on “Introducing Virtual Consulting”

  1. Hi Pernille,
    We’ve had PD with you in the past in Grand Forks, ND and would love to do so again. I will be requesting our administration reach out to you. What I am really sending a message about it something I found online that I think you might also find useful in your classroom. It is on TPT from Mrs. Reader Pants (yep not a typo :). It is called the Personality Genre Quiz. It asks kids some fun questions and then helps them better understand the kinds of books they might like based upon their answers. What I like about it is it is very fun because it asks unusual questions like which emojis are you favorite, students are able to select as many answers as fit them AND she recognizes that some kids may not see themselves as readers (yet). My students have been really drawn to this new way of looking at genres.
    Activity: Personality Genre Quiz
    TPT: Mrs. Reader Pants

    Also, I want to thank you for the many years of Amazing Global Read Aloud leadership you have given to the world! Although I totally understand that it is time foe a new chapter, please know it will be missed and your program has touched many.

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