being a teacher, Book Clubs, Literacy, Reading, student choice, student driven, Student Engagement, student voice, Student-centered, Student-Led

Ideas For How to Do Better Book Clubs in Middle School

In 2015, I wrote a post discussing how I was doing book clubs with my 7th graders and how their ideas had shaped our process to be more powerful.  Two years later, I look at some of those ideas and see how my thinking has changed and also how much more ownership the student shave taken.  I, therefore, decided to update that post with what it looks like now.

I knew when I moved to 7th grade that book clubs would be one of the things that moved with me.  That shared reading experience where students would get to just read and discuss is something I have loved having in the classroom the past few years.  I knew it would be a  different experience in the middle school classroom, after all , heir maturity would push their thinking, what I had not accounted for was also how my whole approach to the purpose of it would need to change to cater to a more critical mindset.  So what do book clubs in the middle school classroom need to be successful?


An honest conversation.  I would not have gotten student buy in if I had not had an honest conversation with them beforehand.  They needed a chance to vent all of their frustrations with book clubs in order to see how this time around they might be different.  They needed to know that their thoughts and yes, feelings, were validated and considered.  While most would have invested themselves in the process simply because it was expected, I didn’t want that type of buy-in, I wanted a genuine desire to use this for good, to enjoy the 4 weeks or so it would last.


This is still how we start our book club explorations.  This one-day conversation is all about figuring out what they love, what they don’t, and how to make sure that they understand the bigger idea behind book clubs; having great conversations about a fascinating text.  This is, therefore, the first thing that happens as we embark on that adventure, after this, the kids start to figure out who they would like to have a book club with.


Choice in books.  I know it is easier to have a few pre-selected books for students to choose from so we can help facilitate the conversations, but with more than 100 students to cater to I knew I needed choice and lots of it.  With the help of my amazing library team, bonus points from Scholastic, and the phenomenal Books4school, I was able to present the students with more than 50 different choices for titles.  This way no group needed to share books and all students should be able to find something to agree on.  I also told them that if they couldn’t find anything, to let me know, we would find the right book for them.


This still holds true – the students all get to select their books and I now have more than 70 titles for them to choose from.  There is no overlaying theme between all of the books, although most, if not all, have a theme of perseverance.  This year, I have also added in some nonfiction titles and am thinking of adding more.  One thing that has helped me is by reading all of the books that I have as choices.  That way I know whether they actually have great things to discuss or not.    I also have this many books because I think it is important that the students can bring their books out of class, that way they can stay on track with the pages they need to read without worrying about access to the book.  Finally, one teacher shared the idea of having kids read individual books and then grouping by theme.  I find this to be a fascinating idea and may play with this next year.


Choice in who they read with.  Working with adolescents have made it crystal clear to me just how vulnerable they feel in these developing years and how much they value when their input is used to determine groupings.  So students are grouped together using some of their data, but also who they would like to read with and why.


I am adding an interview component to the process, as some kids do not realize how different their reading preferences, abilities, or ideas are from some of their closest friends.  This year they will, therefore, fill out this inventory and then interview potential people for their book clubs.  They will then hand in their sheet to me and I will group them together as best as I can to their preferences, but also including kids who may otherwise be left out.  For the first time ever, inspired by the idea of Kelly, one of our amazing special ed teachers, a few kids will also be given the choice of whether they want to do a book club with a chapter book or picture books that have to do with perseverance.


Choice of rules.  While I may have an idea for how a book club should function, I needed student ownership over the reading, as well as how their discussions would unfold.  All groups decided their own rules and posted them on the wall.  It has been powerful to see them guide their conversations, and yes, also dole out consequences to members within their groups that have not read or are not participating.

Students self-made rules hang as a reminder on our wall


I no longer have students post their rules, instead they just share them with me and I do periodical check ins.


Choice in speed.  All of my groups read at different paces, so they determine how many pages a night they need to read as well as when they would like to have the book finished by within our 4-week time frame.  One group, in fact, has already finished a book.


We now reserve three weeks for book club time, I ask them to pace it out so they finish with two or so days left of those three weeks.  They create a reading calendar and it gets glued into their reader’s notebooks.


Choice in conversation.  Book clubs should not function around the teacher, in fact, I have noticed that when I do listen in to an otherwise lively conversation the students immediately get timid in most cases.  I have learned to listen from a distance and only offer up solid small ideas to push their conversation further when they really needed it.  Too often our mere presence will hijack a group and students don’t learn to trust their own opinions and analysis.  Removing yourself from the process means students have to figure it out.  For those groups that struggle we talk about in our private mini-lesson.


While I still have students run their conversations, I do give them ideas of what to discuss in their book clubs so that they have a starting point.  They are also given an individual project to work on with their book (figuring out the theme and other literary elements) and so I tell them that they can use each other to help with finding the signposts (from Notice and Note) and what they mean.  This year, I will also be listening in to their discussion once a week and take some notes on what and how they are discussing hoping to work with them on their discussion skills.


Choice in abandonment.  I do not want students stuck with a book they hate, so some groups chose to abandon their books within a week and made a better choice.  Rather than think of it as lost reading time, I cheered over the fact that my students know themselves as readers.  All of my students are now reading a book that they at the very least like and that is an accomplishment in my eyes.


This still stands, except they now have to abandon it within three days.  I will also let students switch groups within the first week if they hate the book or the group dynamics do not work.  They, then, have to make up for lost time in the reading of their pages.


Choice in length and meeting time.  Students are allotted time every other day to meet in their book clubs and have 28 minutes to discuss and read some more.  While I have told student to try to push their conversations, I have also urged them to keep them under 10 minutes unless they are having a great discussion.  Students vary the length of their book clubs depending on what their self-chosen topic of discussion is and figure out how their group works best in the process.


Students are still given time every day to either read or discuss, they need to discuss every third day for sure and they can decide how long they want their discussions to last.  I do a quick check-in with them after their discussion to see how they did and how productive it was.


Choice in final product.  While our true purpose of having book clubs is to have a shared reading experience, I am also asking the students to do a book talk of some sort when they finish.  There are two reasons behind this; to assess the standards we are covering in the quarter but also for them to develop their critical thinking skills.  If the book they read is not suited for future book clubs then I need to know why.  I don’t want students to have a lengthy project because that is not what book clubs are about.


We no longer do the book talk, it didn’t work, it was too loose and the kids didn’t buy into it.  We now have two separate projects – an individual one and a group one.  The individual one is for the students to hand in a literary analysis of their book discussing the theme and the development of one of the main characters.  This is a typed paper, less than a page, that they hand in a week after book clubs end.  The group project is the 12-word book summary, detailed here.  They get two days in class to work on it.

While my method for integrating book clubs may seem loose at best, I have found incredible buy-in from the students.  They have been excited to read their books, they have been excited to share their thoughts, and the accountability that they feel toward one another is something I would not be able to produce through force.  Middle schoolers need a framework to grow within, they need our purposes to be authentic as much as possible, and they need to have a voice in how things function within our classroom.  Book clubs offer us a way to have these moments in reading that abound with deep reading conversations that I may not be able to have as a whole group, they allow even the quietest student to have a voice.  They allow students to feel validated in their thoughts and they allow them to share their knowledge with each other.  What have you done to create successful book clubs?

If you like what you read here, consider reading any of my books; the newest called Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration, a how-to guide for those who would like to infuse global collaboration into their curriculum, was just released.  I am currently working on a new literacy book, called Passionate Readers and it will be published in the summer of 2017 by Routledge.If you are looking for solutions and ideas for how to re-engage all of your students consider reading my very first book  Passionate Learners – How to Engage and Empower Your Students.      Also, if you are wondering where I will be in the coming year or would like to have me speak, please see this page.

31 thoughts on “Ideas For How to Do Better Book Clubs in Middle School”

  1. I love the power of book clubs in middle school and agree with the conclusion that supporting more authentic structures and routines have created more authentic and rich clubs. I often have my students record their meeting using a school iPad and then share it with me. I’ll watch it back and email them with feedback based on the goals we set before clubs started. In 8th grade this year, I also gave a final “test” using a Google form asking them a few short-answer questions about how this book changed them or their view of the world and how they grew in reading skills during this club work. Happy to share the template they came up with for assessment if you’d like it. If I could teach book clubs all year, I would!

      1. Sorry for the delay…I was out with a sick kiddo! Here is the link to the template…I have to give grades (gross), so the categories are numerically quantified. I gave my students the categories and we co-constructed the bullet points. I send them this feedback after I watch their recorded meetings. My largest hope for book club work is that students understand the power of bringing multiple perspectives to a text and that together they can figure out what this book suggests about who they are or what they may become…

    1. Emilyrietz, I just looked through your rubric and really like it. Thanks to you and your students for sharing it!

  2. Thank you for sharing this info! What’s your thought on how students are grouped- by interest or ability?

    1. I offer book choices using the Harvey Daniels book pass model, which typically results in self-selected similarly leveled texts and definitely honors interest. In book clubs, I think interest trumps as the group members support/co-construct comprehension so well. I usually try to model that with a tricky short text before we start clubs. Each brain brings so much to a text! Have you checked out Vicki Vinton’s new book on reading process??

    2. I think it’s a tricky balance and my thinking has changed over the years. I used to group by perceived ability but students knew it and it also stymied the conversations. Now I group more by interest and want to be together. The discussions tend to be more powerful that way.

  3. Any chance you could share the requirements for the students’ individual projects they have to complete?

  4. Hello, Pernille! Thanks as always for your wonderful posts. I teach 7th grade ELA, and I’m looking to have my students form book clubs. The only snag is that they’re going to be reading different books. Do you have any suggestions on how to use book groups when students are reading different things? My brain is having a hard time visualizing how this would work. If the books are all different, then what is the same? Thanks in advance!

    1. I would be asking the kids to look for commonalities within their books, such as do they share conflicts? Character developments? Themes? Also, if you use something like the signposts from Notice and Note then they could also discuss what they are finding as they are going deeper with the text. I would also ask the kids what they want to discuss so that it does not turn into a summary every time.

  5. Hi Pernille! I am a Literacy Coach, and I am currently working with a grade 5 teacher and helping her to implement book clubs. The students are really excited about book club, but we’re having an issue with absenteeism (flu season!). I’m just wondering how you handle absenteeism with book clubs? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hmm, it depends. Often I have the kids handle it amongst themselves because they have their reading calendar already they know what the expectations are for where they should be. If a child gets wilfully behind we handle it on a case by case basis.

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey through this. I just moved to teaching 7th grade Pre-AP English from elementary reading specialist and first grade teacher. My foundation is doing this and reading, discussing, etc. Having to incorporate SpringBoard curriculum with district curriculum, and let’s not forget the hard fact that these kids take the state test in writing this year, all in a 47 minute timeframe….I’m learning lots. A few questions I have, how do you incorporate your writing workshop into this? My kids take both reading state test and writing test, but the class is structured more around an English viewpoint than reading. Does that make sense? As a HUGE advocate for Reading and Writing Workshops in all grade levels, I love your insight you share on how to make this work in 7th because that is where I am this year! 🙂 I really want to do more of this book club and would love to see how I can make it work with my curriculum. Thanks for any help!

    1. I really want their book clubs to focus more on the discussion, so while they have a short written theme analysis due to me at the end, we do not do a lot of written work during this time. Because my class has to encompass reading and writing within the 45 minutes, we will then go back into writing once we are done with book clubs. We always start with 10 minutes of free independent reading every day so that becomes the reading component when we are more focused on writing lessons. SO we switch between reading and writing workshop as necessary.

  7. Hi, Pernille! Our MS is ready to try book clubs. Do you have a list you could share of those 70 or so book choices (which are probably always changing) you’re considering or have done in the past with 7th graders? It would be much appreciated, as we’re building our libraries again – thank you!

  8. I run book clubs in a very similar way. One strategy that I have discovered to work phenomenally is to have the students record their discussion so I can listen to it later. It allows them to discuss without me hovering too much and holds them accountable to stay on task when I am out of earshot.

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