being a teacher, books, Literacy, Passion

Some Rules We Need to Break In Our Reading Classrooms

image from icanread

We seem to be run by the rules of what came before us.  We seem to be trying to uphold traditions that were started all in the spirit of becoming better reading teachers.  And yet, I think it is time for us to break some rules, to become reading warriors, and to speak up and say no; this is not what reading will look like in our classroom.  This is not the reading experience that my students will have, this is not what will make students fall in love with reading.  So I present you with some rules that seem to perpetuate much of our reading instruction and encourage you to break them just like I have and so many others before me.

Rule number 1:  You must read X number of pages before you abandon a book.

I used to enforce this; give it 30 pages, give it 50, then I read the False Prince and I told them to keep reading to page 88 where it gets so, so so good.  But that is not how adult readers read.  I sometimes abandon books after a chapter, after a page, after a paragraph.  I listen to the voice inside that tells me that there is just something wrong, that this book is slowing down my reading love and that it is not the right fit at this particular moment.  In our classroom, we practice free book abandonment, but we also reflect on why we are giving up on a book.  It offers students a wonderful chance to learn more about their own reading identity.  So when we see a child serial hop from book to book, don’t stop them, instead ask them why.  And when they tell you that they don’t like the book, ask them why again.

Rule number 2:  You must read a book from every genre.

I used to have students read books from certain genres so that they had been exposed to them all, and yet, most students hated it.  So now instead I make sure that our book shopping is varied, that I book talk many genres, and also that they have access to many genres.  There is no requirement to read outside of a genre, but only gentle recommendations.  We need to celebrate the students that have identified themselves as lovers of a certain genre, after all we do as adults, rather than force them into thinking that somehow they are not true readers because they are not exposing themselves.

Rule number 3:  You must fill out a reading log.

My biggest problem (and I have several!) with reading logs is that it inherently shows students that we do no trust them.  By asking them to record how much they have read outside of our classrooms, we are telling them that their word is not enough.  When we ask parents to sign, our message is even stronger; you may have said this but I only know it is true because your parents agreed to sign this.  Is that really what we want to tell our students?  And as a parent who has forged her signature on a summer reading challenge, I can tell you, I would do it again if it means that my child does not have to distill her love of reading books into minutes or pages.  Her reading love deserved better than that.

Rule number 4:  Reading is only something you do with your eyes.

I used to tell students that for a book to count for their book challenge that it had to be read.  And reading means they do it with their eyes.  Now I know that reading can also be auditory, whether by listening to an audio book or being read aloud to.  That students can still experience a deep connection with a text even if their eyes have not processed it, and that audio books level the playing field for so many of our students who feel like they are bad readers.  Reading is many things, let’s make sure that in our rush to define it, we do not alienate the students that need alternative methods the most.

Rule number 5:  You must only read books at your level.

Levels were never meant to confine or define a child, but instead meant as a tool for a teacher to select text for guided reading instruction.  Yet our obsession with placing children in boxes has made levels prevalent in our schools and in the minds of students.  If our goal is to create students who identify as readers outside of our classrooms then they need to know themselves as readers.  They need to know what they prefer, what they can read, and also what type of book they need at that very moment.  That changes based on their life, and not just their growth, just like it does for us adults.  Having students select books based on a level robs them of the chance to figure this out, and in turn, counteracts everything we are trying to teach them.

Rule number 6:  You are too old to read this book.

If I only read books that fit my age then I would never read a YA or children’s book again, and that goes for our students as well.  Reading books that may be too young is a way for students to relax, to build confidence, and to read a book they feel like reading.  How often does our helpful rules really just hinder a child from reading?

Rule number 7:  You must create something after you finish a book.

When I finish a book, I often hand it to a friend.  Sometimes I book talk it to my class, sometimes I write a review, other times I quietly place it in a bin.  I do not write a journal entry, I do not create a book report, nor do I make something to show off the theme.  When students finish a book they should have an opportunity to discuss the book, to recommend it to a classmate, to share their love of it with the world, if they want.  They should not have to choose from a long list of projects to prove that they, indeed, did read it.

Rule number 8:  Picture books are for little kids.

Every day, almost, we read a picture book in our classroom.  In fact, picture books are  serious business here, as I use them to teach students how to infer, how to closely read, how to think deeply about a text and then be able to discuss it with others.  We use them as mentor texts as we work on our writing craft.  We use them as we build our community.  And yes, we use them because picture books make the world a better place and they remind students that reading is meant to be fun and magical.  A student told me the other day, “Mrs. Ripp, I am not so sure picture books are for little kids anymore…”  And I knew exactly what he meant, because a text that rich should not just be reserved for young kids.

Rule number 9:  Graphic novels are not real books.

Graphic novels can be just as complex as the hardest chapter books.  In our classroom, graphic novels can be a lifeline; a way to reach the kid that swears they will never love reading, a way to reach a child that cannot get through a chapter book.  I have students using graphic novels to find the signposts from Notice and Note at the moment.  I have students finally connecting on a deep level with a book that happens to be in the format of a graphic novel.  I am so thankful to all of the authors out there creating these magnificent books that prove once again to my students that great books do not just look like one thing.

Rule number 10:  You must reward reading.

Reading is it’s own reward to quote the fantastic Teri Lesesne.  The minute you attach a reward to reading you have diminished the act of reading itself.  Think hard about the stickers, the prizes, the special events based on pages read and instead find a way to celebrate the very act of reading by getting more books, by finding more time to read.

Rule number 11:  You must not judge a book by its cover.

I do it all the time.  We all do.  What we need to teach kids though is that covers are not the only way we should judge a book.  That even if a book has a terrible cover, which some amazing books truly do, that they then should move on to checking it in other ways; by reading the back, by skimming a few pages, by asking a friend.  For students to see us as reading role models we must not hide the true habits we have but instead celebrate them and share what we do.  Students do not need to see how we pretend adults pick books, instead they should see how we really pick books, and that includes judging a book by its cover.

I could have gone on, but these are the rules that stood out to me.  I shudder at how many of these I have had in my own classroom and am grateful to the people that have shown me a better way.  We can create classrooms where students fall in love with reading, the choice is ours.

If you like what you read here, consider reading my book Passionate Learners – How to Engage and Empower Your Students.  The 2nd edition and actual book-book (not just e-book!) just came out!

28 thoughts on “Some Rules We Need to Break In Our Reading Classrooms”

  1. How I wish you taught in my district. We would get rid of AR (outdated lists and all) from the middle school. There would be another passionate teacher of readers and writers–someone who actually did both! There would be someone else who realized that reading logs were fake, that a diorama didn’t show what you knew about the book and life is too short to read bad books. Thanks for articulating so well what many of us believe.

  2. Thank you for this post! I am 100% on everything you said but I am particularly glad for rule #3. I have been saying this for sometime and am glad to know that I am not the only one who feels this way!

  3. Great, great stuff. I encourage my students to track their reading for their own purposes, just as I do on Goodreads. But reading logs are BS, and I say that as a teacher and a parent. The only one on here I still struggle with is #1. I have students who, a month into the school year, are still picking up and putting down books each day, having yet to finish one. I am working really hard to get the right book into their hand, but no luck so far. So I’ve found myself saying exactly that–“Give it 30 pages before you decide for sure…” Now I’ll reconsider that.

    It is HARD when the school is committed to specific programs. There is the “we spent money on it, so we’d better use it” thing, and the “sitting and reading isn’t TEACHING, so you’d better look busy” thing. And for me, right now, there’s the “we’ve been developing this program for seven years now, and you can’t just move into the position and change everything” thing. I’m pushing though, and articles like this help me maintain momentum!

  4. I was on a rant this week about book levels and AR. It continues to be a problem in my school, but never again in my classroom. I have learned that the more I follow these guidelines that you have named, the better reading becomes in my class. They become a class of readers. We spend time talking about the books we love and the books we don’t. We praise picture books and read alouds. And with GRA (this is my first year), we are learning that reading can be a valuable way to connect across the globe.

  5. My late husband and I were avid readers for all of our lives. I read to our kids daily and they would frequently see us with books in our hands. Our two daughters are also avid readers, but to my dismay, our sons are not. When our youngest was about 8, he told me vehemently, “I HATE reading!” Turns out he didn’t really hate to read, but he hated filling out the “reading worksheets” his teacher required to him turn in every day. And that had a lasting effect. Today, he and his brother much prefer television to reading, although both daughters have large home libraries and are still readers.

  6. I gave up logs years ago, but having every child check in with me in the morning to tell me what page they were on in their book became a great way to connect. No repercussions if no reading, but having only a few pages read over a week’s time let me know when to suggest abandoning a book and teaching that if you aren’t making time to read a book, it’s probably not a good book for you right now. I also recorded what was read to them, or audio books. Having kids set up their own book clubs is great in a community of readers, and please, please, please let’s do away with “jobs” in book clubs. Just talk about what you read and thought. My book clubs never met until everyone had read the book. How crazy is it to stop a child from reading further in a book!! Being known as the teacher with the best collection of books in the school and sharing them with any student in the school, means not just your own students talk to you about books. You become the “book pusher” for your building. Can’t think of a better reputation to have. Rebecca

  7. I agree with this but need help and/or suggestions getting this group of third graders to really read a book, a picture book or anything! They trade books three or four times a day. I have introduced beginning chapter books, done book talks, suggested all different genres, nothing is clicking. I have them record the titles they read just so I can identify what they like or don’t like, and it gives me data to talk about with parents. We do read alouds, …. With 30 years of experience, I’ve never had a group like this. Is it because their entire life has been filled with technology and little lap time? Help, please!

    1. I think then the focus comes on building the community of readers through shared reading. Celebrating picture books, doing book teasers by reading the first chapter of a book aloud. I would try to make their stamina increase into a daily thing like the 2 sisters recommend. Start at 1 minute and then build it up. Also, have them grab a few books to have by them when they sit down and read and that way they can browse though a few rather than getting up and getting new ones (if that is what they are doing). Keep talking to them and asking them questions about why they are abandoning the books. It sounds like you are doing so many right things, but this is a marathon, which I know can be so draining.

  8. I appreciate number 9. My children have special needs and are not good readers. They learn best when exposed to things in a variety of ways. Graphic novels hold their interest and give them another way to connect to reading. They’ve even read a graphic novel based on Shakespeare. Their English teachers also use well made movies to increase comprehension. We had a lovely discussion on of Mice and Men, before they read the book. Then when they did the book the teacher said he got some of the best writing on the story he’d seen from them.

  9. I am so glad to have found you through the GRA and at the Googlefest in Lansing, Michigan! I just posted yesterday about my struggles to move away from AR and daily comprehension worksheets that are being heavily used at my school. Going against the grain because I believe it’s best for my students, but it isn’t without some pushback. I wish so many weren’t afraid of test scores and had courage to stand up for what we know is best for our students!

  10. HERE! HERE! on EVERY point. As a school librarian these “rules” break my heart. I have tried to get to the bottom of (and eliminate) page counting, logs, etc. to no avail. It is wonderful to read an article that puts everything I believe about the issues with these arbitrary requirements in one place. I’ve shared it with staff that I think are open… let’s hope it spreads and someone listens.

  11. Right on with this post. We need to treat our students like real readers. A good test might be: “How would I react if someone asked me to do this?” I know that I definitely judge books by their covers (that’s part of the fun of browsing in a bookstore) — and that’s okay!

  12. Love this post! THANK YOU! I love every rule here, but I especially love rule number 8 as picture books are great for all classrooms – yes, high school too! And rules 5 and 6, because students should never be limited by a level or age range. Bravo!

  13. Thank you for a generous and holistic perspective on what reading is all about! Refreshing! Reading is so many things and part of the beauty is that so long as readers aren’t hemmed-in by straight-jacketing rules, a joy of reading and learning can flourish. Our reading life is one of few things we can truly call “our own.” Permitted to follow our intuition and curiosity in an organic way, reading can be a life-long companion as we evolve. I am book-marking this post, and look forward to reading Passionate Learners in the coming months!

  14. Pingback: On Reading Logs |

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